Category Archives: MongoDB

Video: Introduction to MongoDB – Austin Code Camp 2011

Here is the video from my Introduction to MongoDB talk that I did today at the Austin Code Camp 2011. This is an updated presentation that includes some animations to explain the replication and sharding concepts in MongoDB. In the talk, I also cover indexing and querying of the data. I also have attached the […]

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Intro to MongoDb slides and audio from CTXDNUG, March 2011

I presented an updated version of my Introduction to MongoDb talk at the Central Texas .NET User Group back in March. I incorporated a lot of what I leaned from the MongoAustin conference. The target audience is technical people (developers) who have experience with relational databases, but have never looked at MongoDb before. It covers […]

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Slides and Audio for my Introduction to MongoDB presentation

I presented at the Austin .NET User Group this week. The topic was an “Introduction to MongoDB”. Below are the slides and the audio from the presentation. The talk covers MongoDB from the perspective of a newcomer to the technology. I relate the concepts in MongoDB to their corresponding SQL idioms–pointing out their differences and […]

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I will be presenting on MongoDB at the Austin .NET Users Group Monday

Here is the info that will be going out in the ADNUG notice. Topic: Introduction to MongoDB The relational database has been around for a very long time. It is used in almost every kind of application imaginable. Most all developers have experience using an RDBMS and use it on almost every project by default. […]

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Advanced MongoDB Queries in C# using the NoRM Driver: Part 1

In my last two posts, I said that I planned on showing how to perform more advanced queries using MongoDB. Today I will be doing just that by demonstrating advanced queries using the NoRM driver. The queries you learn here are not specific to the C# NoRM driver. I will show you three forms of […]

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