I presented an updated version of my Introduction to MongoDb talk at the Central Texas .NET User Group back in March. I incorporated a lot of what I leaned from the MongoAustin conference.
The target audience is technical people (developers) who have experience with relational databases, but have never looked at MongoDb before. It covers all the basics but also several advanced topics like sharding and replication. I didn’t modify my slides much from the last presentation, but I did cover a lot of material not on the slides.
The talk lasted 2 hours. There are times in the audio where I am walking through the demo of the mongo shell, or the c# code that it may not be too easy to follow with only the audio. I apologize for that.
The most interesting part of the talk (in my opinion) was the replication and sharding, which is at the end (starting at about the 1h 20m mark), so if you are interested in that, you can fast forward there.
MP3 Audio File
Keynote Presentation File
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[…] first will by my Introduction to MongoDB talk that I have given several […]